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We are proposing a national conference term as occupying INEC office in Abuja to enforce our constitutional rights to be registered as a political party...
Pan-Africanism: promoting unity and solidarity among African nations and people.
Promoting sustainable economic growth and development.
- Economic Empowerment: Advocating for economic development, industrialization, and self-sufficiency.
- Social Justice: Fighting for human rights, equality, and social equality.
- Political Reform: Promoting democratic governance, accountability, and transparency.
- Cultural Renaissance: Celebrating and preserving African culture, heritage, and traditions.
- Ensuring ccess to quality education, healthcare, and social services
- Fostering a culture of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.
Read More of the Party's Reforms and Goals
AFRICA REFORMATION PARTY - MOVEMENT (ARP-M) is a political movement also known and referred to as ALL REFERENDUM PEOPLE MOVEMENT (ARPM)
is a political movement proposal to register a political party called AFRICAN REFORMATION PARTY (ARP) to rescue Nigeria from the present
decadence and failure....
Our aims and objectives are to promote ourselves to office by registering a political party in which the nomination would be free of charges
to encourage the right and competent candidates to service without financial hindrance of funding campaigns expenses.
However, we are proposing a national conference term as occupying INEC office in Abuja to enforce our constitutional rights to be registered
as a political party....
ARP Seeks to Address Various Challenges Facing Africa, such as
We seeks to eliviate the living standards of all Nigerians, granting equal right to all ethnics groups and people.
The past governance has failed number of times in this regard, the more reason we all need to join our voices and support the movement.
We are rich as a nation and yet we are been deprived of our basic ammenities. Its so sad more than 40yers we are still in this stae.
A new governance is indeed needed, Every tribe and people needs to be heard, a voice added to this movement will put an end to all Discrimination practices.
Nigeria needs to rise again but not with this present leaders, you will agree with us. We all need to get our identity back as a nation.
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- Poverty and inequality
- Political instability and corruption
- Economic dependence and exploitation
- Social injustice and discrimination
- Cultural erosion and loss of identity
Updates Coming Soon!
Updates Coming Soon!
- Building a united and prosperous Africa.
- Promoting Sustainable Economic Growth and Development.
- Ensuring Access to Quality Education, Healthcare, and Social Services.
- Fostering a Culture of Democracy, Human Rights, and the Rule of law.
- Empowering African Youth and Women to Become Active Participants in the Continent's Development.
The African Reformation Party (ARP) is a political party that aims to promote economic, social, and political reforms in Africa. The party's ideology is centered around the following core values:
We are proposing a national conference term as occupying INEC office in Abuja to enforce our constitutional rights to be registered as a political party...
We are proposing a national conference term as occupying INEC office in Abuja to enforce our constitutional rights to be registered as a political party...
We are proposing a national conference term as occupying INEC office in Abuja to enforce our constitutional rights to be registered as a political party...